SBPS Foundation receives a $4000 donation from Team Auto Center to help cover unpaid lunch balances at SBPS.
Thanks to the generosity of Team Auto Center and a matching grant from Team Toyota, some unpaid lunch balances are being paid at Scottsbluff Public Schools. Kent Holub, owner of Team, heard about a need and responded by donating $2,000 towards unpaid lunch balances at Bluffs Middle School. Kent was able to double his donation by using the Toyota Dealer Match Program. The donations will be applied to outstanding balances in November. When asked why he decided to pay for students' lunches he said, “It started with me seeing a Facebook post about instead of leaving money for the car behind you at Starbucks, why not give money to a child who is behind on their school lunch.” That prompted Kent to think about how he could help kids focus on their education instead of being concerned about their lunch balance.